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Ordinary Love (band version)

Игорь Грей Балацкий

Sometimes I am so lonely
With you, I wish to die
But when I see your eyes in tears
They tell me something
Which makes me cry


If it’s ordinary love – forget it
It’s only mistake – forgive it
‘Cause real love remains for years
It’s not only tears

I’m tired to lose you, darling
And soon to meet you again
The proof of madness is our feeling
We are so crazy to understand that


If it’s ordinary love – forget it
It’s only mistake – forgive it
‘Cause real love remains for years
It’s not only tears – for years


Igor Grey - Ordinary Love (band version)
Album “Loveland”. © 1998 Gaura Records Ltd

© Copyright: Игорь Грей Балацкий, 2010
Свидетельство о публикации №11012141181
Ссылка на текст произведения

Файл: mp3 2.16Mb Скачать
Слушателей: 25 (уникальных 24)
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The real loneless together
is a free-well hell.
There is no unity.
The real love together
doesn't exist
without unity.


Your voice is pure & sincere,
Your Elli.

14/12/2010 10:07
14/12/2010 10:11


Самое худшее из всех одиночеств –
это одиночество

Вершина мудрости садо-мазохизма –
выпустить птиц из клетки
на волю.

Благодарю тебя, Элли.
06/01/2011 07:33
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