Виртуальный поэтический театр Стихофон.ру - аудиокника стихов в mp3, авторская и актёрская декламация. Конкурсы авторов и исполнителей.
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Любовь and клизма


I must confess to all. My flesh
Is my preoccupation. In a flash
All principles I cheerfully slash
When flesh is beckoning. And start afresh.

Eternal sophomore, I turn afrosh
With every new infatuation. Every crush
Imbues new blood in me. All ancient trash
Is purged. Love is an enema. My enemy. My Gosh!

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Слушателей: 272 (уникальных 272)
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I'm surprised to hear an English-speaking performer on this website. You did a great job! These sh's sounds really cool. So, let me ask you something. If Russian is not your first language, what motivated you to learn it? If it is, how long ago did you emigrate from Russia? Where do you live now? Again, it's really amazing to hear English on Russian poetry website. I live in the U.S., which means I have to speak English every day, although I do have Russian-speaking surrounding, too.
09/11/2008 07:46
I have known some Russian since early childhood... I had numerous private teachers... and then even though I am no immigrant myself, it helps to have Russian ancestry and an immigrant husband! I was raised in Toronto and now we live on Long Island.

I had started my forays into русское стихосложение with the express idea to improve my command of the language, but later the versification in Russian (I would hesitate to call my oeuvre "poetry") has become a favorite pastime of mine... apart from my own exercise, I love real poetry and am pretty well read in Russian.

Cheers, Kli
09/11/2008 18:00
Excellent! I love these sh's! :)
04/03/2005 01:49
I am especially proud of "turn afrosh"... expression is new and is mine... Thanks!
06/03/2005 23:57
Such a pretty voice, dear Clittary!
Tank's a lot!

With pleasures, Alex.
24/02/2005 21:45
sotto voce, dear Alex, sotto voce !
Thank you
26/02/2005 03:20
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