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Наши анонсы:

I hope you are all right

I hope you are all right
Suppose you are doing well
I wish you to see the light
Of your Star, and hear her bell
I wish you to be beloved
And achieve all the aims you want
I hope your life will be Art
Of Good and True Love, you deserve it

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Слушателей: 17 (уникальных 14)
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I have always admired people who master a foreign language without being exposed to a society that speaks it (e.g. by living in the appropriate country). And you appear to be one of those people :)

Теперь, если позволите, несколько конструктивных замечаний :)

- Буква 'g' в т.н. "инговом окончании" (как в слове 'doing') обычно произносится так что её почти не слышно (у вас она уж сликшом чётко слышна). Для наиболее правильного произношения этого окончания, попробуйте произнести звук "н" гортанью, без участия зубов.

- Слово 'цель' в данном контексте более уместно перевеси на английский как 'goal'. 'Aim' больше подходит для обозначения, например, мишени при стрельбе. Таким образом, ваша фраза будет звучать так:
"I wish you to be beloved
And reach all the goals you want".
(обратите внимание что во второй строчке можно обойтись без дополнительного 'to' ).

Надеюсь, вы на меня не обидитесь. Вы же знаете, я с удовольствием слушаю ваши стихи в исполнеии вашего приятного голоса.
09/01/2011 22:10
Thanks for the complement, Arkady, but let me remind you that I worked at the international resorts of the Mediterranean Sea and trained my English with the British. I didn’t speak Russian at all for several months because there was nobody to understand me and even my thoughts were in English then.
Now let's discuss your notes:)
About "g". You know I am still doubting whether this sound must be heard or not. I watch English TV every day and used to hear different variants of pronunciation -ing form. You know some Russian people say что, some шо, some чо. May be there is the same problem:).
About an aim or a goal. I also was on the point to choose "goal" but I didn't like how it sounded in composition with all line, that's why I chose "aim". Your note made me to look up in a dictionary again and I found out that it's possible to use a word "aim" in the case I meant, but better to change a verb “reach”’ to "achieve". Here are the quotations from the dictionary:
1) намерение, цель
chief aim — главная цель, стратегическое направление
immediate aim — ближайшая цель long-range aim — далеко идущие намерения
idealistic / lofty aims — высокие цели, возвышенные стремления
to achieve one's aim — достигнуть поставленной цели It was our aim to complete the work before the end of the month. — Мы стремились закончить работу к концу месяца.

And about a preposition "to". You are right I could omit the second "to" but in that case I would break all the rhythm, that's why I didn't do it.
And the last answer for today :) - thank you for all your notes, complements and attention :). I am not hurt at all; I think it's nice when people share their opinions with an author about his works. Besides as a result we have some changes in the lines and recitation:).
10/01/2011 13:30
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