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От Елена Амберова на: I hope you are all ...  
 Thanks for the complement, Arkady, but let me remind you that I worked at the international resorts of the Mediterranean Sea and trained my English with the British. I didn’t speak Russian at all for several months because there was nobody to understand me and even my thoughts were in English then.
Now let's discuss your notes:)
About "g". You know I am still doubting whether this sound must be heard or not. I watch English TV every day and used to hear different variants of pronunciation -ing form. You know some Russian people say что, some шо, some чо. May be there is the same problem:).
About an aim or a goal. I also was on the point to choose "goal" but I didn't like how it sounded in composition with all line, that's why I chose "aim". Your note made me to look up in a dictionary again and I found out that it's possible to use a word "aim" in the case I meant, but better to change a verb “reach”’ to "achieve". Here are the quotations from the dictionary:
1) намерение, цель
chief aim — главная цель, стратегическое направление
immediate aim — ближайшая цель long-range aim — далеко идущие намерения
idealistic / lofty aims — высокие цели, возвышенные стремления
to achieve one's aim — достигнуть поставленной цели It was our aim to complete the work before the end of the month. — Мы стремились закончить работу к концу месяца.

And about a preposition "to". You are right I could omit the second "to" but in that case I would break all the rhythm, that's why I didn't do it.
And the last answer for today :) - thank you for all your notes, complements and attention :). I am not hurt at all; I think it's nice when people share their opinions with an author about his works. Besides as a result we have some changes in the lines and recitation:).
 10/01/2011 13:30

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